
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hello! Hola! Bonjour!

Hello and Welcome to my new blog. A place where every week I'll be making a post about some sort of historical event or person that had to do with Vermont History. And as you can see, I've made pages, where as I go along, the people and events will stay separate and more organized. For your viewing pleasure of course.

So a little bit about me. I'm a 14-year-old sophomore in Highschool. I was homeschooled all my life until 7th grade, when I decided to try public school. I've done the whole public school thing for about 3 and a half years now, but I decided a couple months into my sophomore year that I wanted to homeschool again. Mostly because it's just less stress. Of course, I haven't left school entirely, as I take some classes there still, like Chorus, Pottery, and Driver's Ed. But everything else I'm doing at home. So far, for the 2 weeks I've been in the homeschool groove, it's been really nice. But as the weeks go on, the work will get a little harder. But I'm ready. But the real question is, are you all ready for the best history blog you've ever seen?

I didn't think so. (;

See you on Friday with my first real post.
This is Becca, signing off. (:

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